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Volunteers are Welcome!

We love our volunteers! From giving their time in the classroom to planning and coordinating special events to everything in between, our volunteers help make our schools a richer, stronger learning environment. Interested in learning more about how you can make a measurable difference in the lives of our students? Contact: Community Resource Coordinator, Ashley Garland at 363-4775.

What Research Says

Many scientific studies indicate that children do better in school if both students and their parents are involved. For example, students have:

  • Higher Grades and Test Scores
  • Long-Term Academic Achievement
  • Positive Attitudes and Behavior

Parent Involvement

Parents can begin encouraging the education of their children by showing that they truly value education and respect the staff at their student's school. There are many opportunities for volunteering at the school. You can be involved in tutoring, office support, Parent Pantry, special events and more! Contact Mrs. Garland at 363-4775 for more information.

How Can I Help?

Some of the ways that parents, caregivers and grandparents can become involved are:

  • Helping your child with homework, especially reading together.
  • Joining committees that help decide school issues (LSDMC, ILT, PTO)
  • Giving time to the school, classroom or library

Parent Meetings and PTO

PTO meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of every month at 3:00 p.m. with the purpose of engaging parents in the educational process and school planned activities. Quarterly events are supported by our PTO. 

Parent Meetings are scheduled quarterly and focus on topics which parents have listed as an interest. School partners often join the meetings to share tips and announcements. Topics will be announced at the beginning of each quarter. Refreshments will be provided so please call Mrs. Garland at 363-4775 if you have a topic that you would like to be addressed.